Thursday, February 16, 2012

[New Year New You] Wheel of Morality: A Response

The goal I focused on for the New Year New You project was to get all of my bills caught up and to start my emergency fund off with $200.

Unfortunately, I didn't quite make it on time.

But that's just the bad part.  The good part is that I got all but two of my bills caught up on Monday.  I've been keeping my budget and, if I'm not mistaken, I will have the funds for the remaining two tomorrow.  Any tax refund that I get will go toward my emergency fund, and it currently is tax time.  I just have a missing 1099-G form holding me up.

In short, although I didn't achieve my goal by Valentine's Day, it has a very high likelihood of being achieved within the next week or two.

What Did I Learn?

In the end, most of the last couple years where I've been perpetually behind on bills wasn't due to any other reason than my own neglect.  I don't just mean my neglect at initially causing them to be behind, either; there were times where I favored getting takeout more than keeping that money to put toward getting caught up.

I've also learned the sheer extent to which I've been in a bad position in life, teetering on the edge of complete and total ruin.  I've been leaning on the kindness and generosity of state and family, and that's no way to live your life.  By not having at least a little money motivation, I've been dooming myself to a life of daily grind, routine, and a type of slavery where I never get to really have an amazing, fun time.  I want more than that!

It's a struggle, and it may be a struggle that I will always undergo, but it's totally worthwhile!

Where Do I Go From Here?

More financial enchantments are in store.  For a long time I had planned on creating a magical cashbox, detailed in TSS.  But with the tools and materials I've had available, my primadonna side won't let me.  So, I'm considering a Jupiter/Mercury-based spirit bottle!  I even have a cobalt glass bottle that is just right for it!

Of course, I'm not stopping there.  There will be conjurations of various and sundry spirits for information and guidance, at least one talisman, sigils fired off, and other goodness.  More immediately, I'm going to be enchanting for repairs on my vehicle, which at this point is more an issue of the funds to pay for my mechanic's cheap prices!  ;)

I even have a post in mind to detail magical actions I've taken to help with my employment.  And once I start seeing proof of results or failure on them, I will detail the cases of my first clients!  I'm so excited!

I'm definitely keeping on with the New Year New You project for its longer-term version, if it's still ongoing. Even if it isn't, I'm taking notes of the relevant posts from her blog and will probably put them into practice! That brings me to my next point...

Final Word

I want to take the opportunity to thank the lovely and marvelous Deb for putting this experiment together.  She really has a muse going on there, because I know I've been inspired!  I look forward to more goodness!  ;)


  1. Good work! Close enough if you ask me in terms of reaching your goals. Thank you for being part of the Experiment, I've enjoyed getting to know you and have had fun tweeting with you!

  2. Thanks Deb :) I'm very pleased to report that I caught up my last bill just a little bit ago, and after it and my next bill come out, after living expenses I will have $100 left over. Can anyone guess where that's going? ;)

  3. Ooo... the cobalt bottle is a great idea! Good luck!
