"Oh, my beautiful idiot. You have what you've always had! You've got me."
-- Idris, Doctor Who Episode The Doctor's Wife
In the course of working with my therapist on my issues with depression, at one point she observed that there seem to be things about me that I'm not incorporating into my sense of self. This intrigued me greatly, because I can point to certain things that this applies to, but at the same time I suspect that there is more there that I'm not seeing.
The more I've thought about it, the more I've realized that I've repeated the same thing with other things in my life. Most notably for this blog's purposes, that has extended to my magical practices.
In my last post I mentioned that there are issues in my life that I have not been addressing with magic, and have instead been focusing solely on mundane actions and personal work to deal with them. For some time, I've been wondering why this is.
In one regard, it is fear. Fear of all kinds of things. Fear of failure, fear of success, the usual schtick. But there is also fear of the effort, fear of self-embarassment after ease after fear of effort, paralysis from indecision, and it can go on and on. Fears that hold us back can be so pernicious! But then there is also limited thinking. Due to a variety of reasons, mostly in reaction to opinions found on the net and other resources, I'm pretty sure I limited what magic can help with in my own mind. Even that can tie into fear (fear of lack of implementability).
This side of the coin is Knowing What To Use Magic For. The advice I gleaned from this is: Don't limit what you think magic can do. Keep an open mind to the possibilities of things it can effect!
The other side of this little Coin of Paralysis is How To Do Magic.
See, I've been studying magic for a total of 15 years now. In that time the amount of tech I know has grown pretty big, in my opinion. Trying to decide how to work toward a particular goal using magic has, at times, been daunting. The Paralysis of Choice comes in here again. Yes, you have many valid choices to pick from. Yes, it can be overwhelming. But for starters, know what techniques work best in which situations. Each thing has its place. And for those things which all share the same place, there is a heuristic I like to use: When faced with many valid choices, pick any one of them!
That's it! Pick any one of them and go with it. List them alphabetically and pick Technique A, then B, then C. Assign them to numbers on a die and roll the damn thing,if you have to!
But the last thing you should do is put on blinders and not act!
The way we deal with the Coin of Magical Paralysis is through open-mindedness and decisiveness. My conversation with Adam the other night helped me to come to this conclusion. You already have what you need to do magic. In the end, it's not outside of you and it is not beyond your ability to comprehend.