Friday, August 5, 2011

World On Fire

It's been a while, hasn't it?

Unfortunately, my practical work has been at a lull.  Life has crept in and has tried to drag me away in its mundane clutches!  Actually, I've just been planning logistics and getting things in order for upcoming projects both magical and mundane.

One task that I've been trying to work on is cultivating positive "fire" in my psyche, as per my previous post, and boy do I have something to talk about here, folks!

I was hanging out with the friend of mine who gave me my staff awhile back, and was talking about the postponement of my initiation into Air and the reason for it.  My friend decided to help the process of cultivating elemental Fire in me by taking me through an attunement with that element using his techniques.  He anointed me with High John oil, spiritually purified me with tobacco smoke, and then the real work began.  I'm not sure if this is the best way to describe it, but he had me gather my soul into a piece of material that he then set on fire.  To my point of view, I placed the..."focal point"...of my Sphere into the material so that as it burned, elemental Fire swept through it, bringing purification and balance to elemental Fire within me.

The aftereffects were unexpected: calm, slowness to anger, a bit more body heat, increase in my creative urges.

In the time between this and my next topic of discussion, I kept getting an intuition that I should continue with the elemental initiations, going with Fire and Michael next.  So, guess what I did (and what the next topic is)?

Initiation into Elemental Fire

Copyright 2008 Howard David Johnson
I did some things differently when I conjured Michael as the King of the Elemental Sphere of Fire.  I took the conjuration ritual given in Trithemius and in Rufus Opus' 'A Modern Angelic Grimoire' and modified it using tech from Strategic Sorcery.  This was especially apt, as my cycle is going through the topic of grimoire spirits and evocation.  Divination by pendulum and then by a small, quick tarot spread showed positive signs for the effectiveness of the resultant conjuration ritual.

So, last night, I attempted it.  In hindsight, I'm surprised at how clearly Michael showed to me and how well I could discern his voice from my own thoughts.  He agreed to the Initiation and Integration of Elemental Fire without any real hesitation.  He also appeared in a manner somewhat reminiscent of a modern least, in face a head (he seemed to have a crew cut...  <_<).  As he began the initiation, he pointedly told me, "Don't move."

Initially I didn't feel much.  I felt some kind of shifting, but then this sensation came over me that I can only describe as my soul being on fire all over again.  Shortly after this came a sensation that felt something like a low, steady and subtle fire coursing along all my nerves from my brain.  Later, after the ritual, I realized that my muscles all ached as though something were going on at a neuro-muscular level.

During the initiation, it felt as though Michael was holding back, only giving me a little.  He confirmed this, saying something like, "This is all you can receive for now, but it is enough and you are initiated into Fire.  Focus on your passion and creativity, and your capacity for fire will increase."

I had a question for Michael, based on a conversation about the fixity and volatility of the elements I had with my friend.  I asked which element is the most volatile, air or fire?  His answer was really interesting:

"Neither.  All elements are fixed and volatile depending on numerous factors.  After all, earth can easily be changed when it is dry and brittle.  Water can be made to evaporate.  Air can stand still, and fire can be controlled."

I'm not sure if that made sense, even to me, given the definition of the word 'volatile'.  I asked him further, in the context of conventional occult philosophy, which element is most volatile.  To this, he answered that it is Fire.

Afterward, I dismissed Michael and ended the ritual.

Overall, I feel this ritual was very effective, and I'm looking forward to attempting the Air initiation in the near future.

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