Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Change of Plans

"...[W]e all have a core of well-being and luck that is intrinsic. That is my belief.  When we are returned to our natural clear state things just flow better, coincidences are in our favour, we meet the right people and learn the right things."  -  Dhr. Balthazar

Since doing my uncrossing, I’ve been very disappointed in the results.  What I said before in my uncrossing post about the results is still true, but at the same time it’s been like something is missing.  There wasn’t much that improved in my life overall; it was really just attitudes and perspectives on my part.  To be honest, it has had me doubting whether the uncrossing -and all that effort I put into it- actually worked at all.

So last night, I did a divination via Astro-Geomancy.  The question was, “Am I under any crossed conditions?”  What I found out was very interesting.  Apparently, there are two aspects of my life -put simply as Love and Finances- that are still bound up, although in general and overall I’m not under a crossed condition at this time.  In fact, my own position in the chart was very favorable.  However, there was a blatant warning in the chart that basically said I am in danger of coming under a psychic or magical attack right now from a hidden malicious source.  Time to re-up the protections.

Given the lackluster results of my uncrossing and the fact that there is still stagnation I need to clear up, I’m temporarily moving my focus to something akin to Balthazar’s quote at the start of this post.  I remember a time when life was not habitually so difficult and overall shit-tacular, when it wasn’t so incredibly difficult and didn’t take so long to get my shit together.  But for the past couple years it’s really been that bad, especially lately.  For that reason I’m going to work on “Rebooting” my life, so to speak.  Dr. Raven has a wonderful post with advice for those wanting to learn Hoodoo, wherein he lists “Practical Steps to Conjuring”.  While the post is about Hoodoo and not Sorcery in general, the first two items struck a major chord with me, and I quote them here:

"1. Cleanse - Many people go through life collecting a great deal of baggage and spiritual blocks. Take the time to really cleanse yourself of the things that have held you back. People have come to magical practice for a variety of reasons; whether it is because you are desperate to change something in your life, or you are seeking more control, or you have a spiritual calling. It doesn't matter, take the time to clear your head and heart of all the mess that life throws at you. Take nice cleansing baths, do egg cleansings, light healing and uncrossing candles, do some cut and clears. Do whatever it takes to help you start fresh. By laying out a strong foundation for you to build on you'll be doing yourself a world of good.

2. Build Back Up - Once you've cleared the slate, its time to build yourself back up. Doing some work on yourself. We go through life getting beat down so badly that we forget our god-given power to create, prosper, and succeed. Light a few candles here or there to help yourself out in things. The aim is to do things to help build your confidence and support your own power."

For the time being, this is what I intend to do.  I guess I just didn't realize the point my life had gotten to, how far from cop acetic things had gotten, at least in comparison to my standards.  Now that I know, I'm going to work on getting things back to an even keel, spiritually and mundanely.


  1. Are you still feeling this way O Delano?

  2. Well, as far as disappointment with the results...I don't quite feel that way anymore. I gained some perspective. I'm more centered now, and it's been easier to change things in my life. I still have that "freed up" feeling I initially got.

    At this point I'm still working on building back up, but it's coming along nicely! :)
